Monday, February 21, 2011

why is there no pork in cat food

Why are there no pork cat foods?

Canned cat foods come in all sorts of flavors, but you never see any pork flavored cat foods. Why is that? Is pork bad for cats? Or is just it too delicious for us humans to share?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

I did a thesis on cat foods back when I was at University and this was one of the questions that came up. Whiskas produced a Pork variety for a short while (available only in the small size cans), but it wasn't around for long. According to the PFMA (Pet Food Manufacturer's Association), they use pork - it's in cat foods that have an ingredient of "meat byproducts" "meat derivatives" "animal byproducts" where the type of meat isn't specified.

There are several varieties that contain ham or bacon (which is also pig of course) e.g. chicken-and-bacon combinations.

Historically, pork had a bad reputation because it was associated with tapeworm (though the tapeworm eggs are killed off by the high temperatures used in cat food manufacture). These days there are lots of people find pork offensive for religious reasons which might be why it doesn't appear on the label, but is still in there as an ingredient, just not labelled as pork.


University thesis research!
Pet Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA)

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