Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Treats, Amuse-Gueules, Temptations

You or  I would not perhaps eat anything called "Skin and Coat" Temptations.  But neither of us are cats.  Cosmo sometimes likes this sort of thing, and since he will not eat dry food any more, I get them for him.  He follows the same flavor preferences in treats as he does in canned food:  beef, turkey and chicken.  I don't think these are very high in nutrition, despite their boast of vitamins, minerals and oils.  The picture on the cover reminds me of a neighbor I knew on Maui who would take her long haired cat out each week and bathe him.  Then she would blow dry him.  She had been doing this since his kittenhood, and he didn't seem to mind it.  
I have tried more nutritious treats from the Marina Pet Supplies store, with no particular success.  They weren't too crunchy.  They were protein rich.  Cosmo didn't go for them.  Therefore they were not treats, but something else. 
Bob, my dear departed tabby, used to go for small silvery dried sardines.  I also knew a French painter who painted paintings in coffee and glued these same sardines onto his canvasses.  He was artist in residence for awhile living in the building where I currently teach at Windward Community College before it was converted to a classroom and offices, Hale A'o or the White House.  It was once the home of the director of the mental hospital that still shares the grounds with WCC.  

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