Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rise and Shine: Kit Kat Klock

Cosmo is such a good alarm clock that I have not had one for many years.  Even when my daughter had to take a very early flight last summer, we were both awake before her cell phone went off.  In the early days, he was like one of those old fashioned clocks with a tinny alarm that seems to jump around the floor until you squelch it.  He added the efficient tooth and claw feature that permitted of no snooze control.  Now it is all subtlety and patience.  He sleeps most of the night at the foot of the bed or on a nearby chair.  Then as five o clock approaches he moves to the area behind my back, so I cannot get up without waking him.  If five o clock (often more like 4:45) comes without my getting up and opening that refrigerator, he stares at me, bats a sheathed paw or two, maybe a gentle prodding mew.  Then, once the fancy feast has been administered, he's back to bed or has settled down for a snooze on the couch or a bask on the sunniest spot of the table near the window.  I am usually unable to get back to sleep once I have performed a feeding, so I am up for the day.  We are told that prime time for a cat is the crepuscular hours of evening or morning, the twilight of vampires and hunters.  Crepuscular Cosmo...

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